El twin-fin de Pacey vence en Snapper

Asher Pacey at Home
En un Snapper plagado de thrusters Asher Pacey triunfó con su twin-fin. El australiano se puso chato a tubos y giros con su inconfundible estilo.

Ese twin-fin parece funcionarle de maravilla en todo tipo de condiciones así que la tristeza por abandonarlo está justificado. El pasado junio el free surfer más estiloso del momento fichó por RVCA y este mes deja las tablas de DHD para fichar por otra marca aún no desvelada.

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It’s with the absolute upmost appreciation and gratitude that I’ve had the opportunity to work with one of the best shapers in the world for close to a decade. In that time working closely with @dhdsurf has allowed us to refine some beautiful, highly functional boards being the ‘Mini Twin’ and more recently the ‘Mini twin II’ which has undoubtedly given me the best surfing years in my life to date. I have recently had an incredible opportunity come to light where as I’ve had to make a decision that was by no means an easy one and over a period of weeks come to a conclusion that I am confident in. I’d firstly like to thank DH for his hard work and dedication over our time. For his passion and enthusiasm making those magic boards as well as his grace and guidance through the past few weeks. I’m so glad to still call him a good mate and will continue to value that friendship for years to come. Also behind him is a solid crew that helped put those boards under my feet sometimes under crazy pressure of time to get them done before heading on last minute trips etc. Much respect! They say the only thing constant in life is change. With that I am both excited for the future and wish all the team @dhdsurf the very best for what’s ahead. Can’t thank you all enough. Here’s an edit from a few days not so long ago at Snapper Rocks riding both the Mini Twin and Mini Twin II. Edit by @logandulien X @changeforbalance filmed by @jesselittlephoto Full clip playing on @stab

Una publicación compartida de asher pacey (@asher_pacey) el

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