Cuando Barrinha conquistó el corazón de Slater

Kelly Slater Gets Very Barelled in Brazil
Slater reconocía que nos sabía que esperar de su estancia en Brasil, y que realmente le sorprendió la calidad de las ola y de su gente. Barrinha le robó el corazón.

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Thank you, Saquarema/Brazil. Coming here I didn’t know what to expect but the fanfare and surf and hospitality has been next level from everyone. I wish there was another of me to have more time for everyone. Thanks to @r_arona for looking after me and my crew all week. Thanks to @alekparker for filming it all and @taylorsteele for being my new caddy! A huge thanks to @badboyryry_ for always getting all of us surfers clips and pics from the days. Muito obrigado to the local crew at Barrinha (@raonimonteirooficial, #LeoNeves, etc) for letting me snag a few Off-the-wall like barrels before the event honed in on the spot. That’s an intense crowd and for good reason...the waves were seriously ridiculous! Obrigado #MarcoPolo for the art display representing important moments in my career. Wow! Amazing someone would document my history ins such a way! 🙏🏽 @lucianohuck thanks for the helicopter ride in from the airport. What a way to arrive into Rio! Nice job @filipetoledo on getting me yesterday. That was a fun heat. I’m gonna smash you next time! Haha. Anyway, hope everyone is enjoying the event and although not the best result I really enjoyed the competition which is what it’s all about. Word up. 🤟🏽

Una publicación compartida de Kelly Slater (@kellyslater) el

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