Uluwatu se consume en llamas

Ayer por la tarde, no lejos del sitio que albergó el final del Margaret Pro hace unas semanas, estalló un gran incendio que ha asolado gran cantidad de casas y vegetación.

Según ha comentado el Coconuts Bali News, "El fuego estalló en Ulu Cliff y se extendió hasta Bluepoint en Labuansait, no muy lejos de la famosa ola de Uluwatu".

Se rumorea que una fuga de gas en una villa en construcción había causado el incendio. El problema es que allí no hay una boca de incendios, y los bomberos tenían que realizar un viaje de 15 a 20 minutos para llenar sus camiones, por lo que  muy difícil para ellos controlar todo. 

Al menos treinta villas han sido arrasadas por el fuego.

According to reports, a fire tore through Uluwatu on Monday afternoon. Coconuts Bali reported that the fire broke out near Ulu Cliff before spreading to Bluepoint. The cause is unknown. So far, there are no reports of injuries, but social media has been flooded with clips of the raging fire, and local crews have been working to extinguish the flames. According to the Canggu Community Facebook page, “the crew got the fire under control before it reached Single Fin & the warungs. No word of anyone being harmed.” “Walking out my front door at Padang Padang I noticed a huge smoke cloud coming from Uluwatu,” wrote Rory Russell on Instagram. “I grabbed my drone, hopped on my scooter, and raced toward the blaze. Once I reached Angle Mart the scene was hectic. Fire trucks were racing back and forth trying to get the raging fire under control. I have to admit for the lack of support they did an amazing job and got the fire contained before it reached Single Fin and the warungs underneath. Very sad to see so much destruction, just hoping everyone is ok.” More on the story as it develops. 🎥 @infodenpasar 📷 Linda Abel #uluwatu #canguu #surfsomething

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