Aparatoso accidente de Paige Hareb en México

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La neozelandesa Paige Hareb, número 16 del mundo, sufrió un aparatoso accidente mientras entrenaba para el Los Cabos Open, rompíendose dos costillas.

Hareb apuró demasiado en una de sus olas, saltando antes de impactar con una roca. Al intentar esquivar su tabla de surf en la siguiente ola, la neozelandesa fue golpeada por ella, impactando contra las rocas y rompiéndose dos costillas. "Escuché mis costillas romperse bajo el agua", comentaba en Instagram.

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Con dificultades para respirar, consiguió acercarse hasta la orilla, donde un surfista local la ayudó y pidió ayuda.

Posteriormente fue trasladada al hospital donde se descartó que las costillas hubieran perforado el hígado o el pulmón.

Hareb será trasladada hoy a Nueva Zelanda, donde continuará con su recuperación.

INJURY!...did a turn and jumped off right before a rock and was sweet but came up right in front of it with my board touching it and me about a metre away. I couldn’t get my board in time before the next wave so tried to swim sideways to the side of the rock but the next wave came super quick and slammed me sideways sooo hard straight into it. I heard my ribs crack underwater!!! 😳 Broke ribs number 9 & 10. Could hardly breathe, somehow floated to shore and a local Mexican surfer finally helped drag me in after he thought I was waving at him and waved back at me twice LOL I have an abrasion on my right lung and some liquid inside from it. They were worried I had punctured my liver or lung which I nearly did, so lucky! 😅 #kookoftheday UNFORTUNATELY I have to pull out of the qs event here in Mexico and the @wsl Jbay event for now. Absolutely gutted! Heartbroken (and rib broken 🤭) A BIG THANKYOU to the guy that dragged me in, @kurtyjay @elliejbrooksss @harrywrighty_ @isabella_nichols @dmacsurfboards and whoever else I missed that helped me in my delirious state, THANKYOU! ❤️ Hoping to be able to fly home soon to recover quickly! 🤞🏽💪🏽

Una publicación compartida de Paige Hareb (@paigehareb) el

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