Los 10 Instagram de la semana -

mick fanning
Aquí van las diez imágenes de Instagram que más me han gustado esta semana.

Choose well. Your choice is brief, and yet endless. 📷 @benthouard

Una publicación compartida de The Perfect Wave 🏄 (@the_perfect_wave) el

This one's for momma @surfline @visslasurf

Una publicación compartida de Jeremiah Klein (@miahklein) el

Take your mom surfing today. #cominginhot #pronethething #neverletgo

Una publicación compartida de Kookslams (@kookslams) el

@victoriavergara || #surfing

Una publicación compartida de Fran Miller Photography (@franmiller.com.au) el

Bring in the weekend ✌🏼😜 📷 @corey_wilson @ripcurl_aus

Una publicación compartida de Mick Fanning (@mfanno) el

I’ve stayed quiet for a while but it’s time. People around the world need to wake up! There’s a heavy Opiate epidemic going on killing people all over the world, these pharmacies and doctors prescribing kids with heavy drugs for minor injuries getting them hooked and then leading them to heavier drugs it’s got to stop! I’ve had two of my best friends overdose and two other great friends commit suicide. All from something that could have easily been prevented, I’m tired of it I don’t want to loose any more friends or see these drugs take out anybody! If you’re struggling with addiction and want to get clean and you want to train Muay Thai or Jiujitsu or even just go surfing reach out to me. I don’t want your money I just want to see people beat this shit and if I could help change just one life in honor of my brothers I’ve lost that would mean the world to me. Just don’t waste my time if you don’t really want to make a change in your life. Dm me or tag a friend who needs help. Reach out I’ll be around🙏🏽 one love #sobriety #healthylifestyle #weareallone

Una publicación compartida de Eli Olson (@eli_olson) el

Sammy the surfing seal 📽: @jaimenhudson

Una publicación compartida de World Surf League (@wsl) el

Barney Barron Photo by Doug Acton

Una publicación compartida de Chris Allen (@oldsurfermags) el

Louis Armstrong and some aggression. /// 🎥 @parallelsea

Una publicación compartida de Kolohe Andino (@koloheandino22) el

"You take the rights, I'll take the lefts." Shot by @16images. #PhotoOfTheDay

Una publicación compartida de SURFER (@surfer_magazine) el

Rush hour at Pipe. 📷: @laserwolf.laserwolf

Una publicación compartida de Surfline (@surfline) el

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