Los 12 Instagram de la semana - Especial Mick Fanning

mick fanning
Se nos va en breve Fanning, uno de los mejores surfistas de la historia, tres veces campeón del mundo, varias veces subcampeón. Aquí va un pequeño homenaje a su figura.

Uno de los recuerdos curiosos de Fanning que tengo de su paso por aquí fue en Bakio en 2002, cuando después de su manga (creo que ganó), se puso a recoger trocitos de basura de la arena camino del coche. Años más tarde, en un baño libre que se pegó le vi haciendo lo mismo.

CONGRATZ to a real master of fun and focus! Thank you for inspiring us all @mfanno #CheersMick

Una publicación compartida de Mason Ho (@cocom4debarrelkilla) el

Congratulations @mfanno on an incredible career! I know you have gotten this a lot but you have changed the game of Surfing in so many positive ways one of the most inspiring people I have ever met. You have been my favorite surfer to watch since day one. When I was a kid I probably watched Fanning The Fire a millions times haha All I wanted to do was surf like you! Fast forward to years later when I met you,I gotta say your evening better of a person on land then you are in the water. The few heats I had with you I was probably the most nervous I’ve ever been in my life. I’ve never surfed against someone so dominant in a jersey and I can’t tell you how much of an honor it was to even be in a heat with you and getting absolutely smoked by you haha something I will brag to my kids about. Thanks for always inspiring me my friend I can’t wait to watch you destroy Snapper and Bells! Best of luck in your next chapter brother whatever it may be I know you will be great at it! Always gonna be one of my Hero’s! #LEGEND

Una publicación compartida de Torrey Meister (@torreymeister) el

Congrats @mfanno on your amazing career. Here's to plenty more of this at home and abroad!

Una publicación compartida de mySURF.tv (@mysurftv) el

Congratulations To Mick fanning on a stellar career!!! All the best for the future!

Una publicación compartida de Mark Occhilupo (@markocchilupo) el

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