La nueva tabla de Slater

Kelly Slater - a first look at the Cymatic - Tomo s new shape for Slater Designs
'La cantidad mínima de tabla para hacer la máxima cantidad de surf', ha dicho Slater sobre su nueva creación, la Cymatic de Slater Designs. Cuatro quillas, 5’3” X 18-5/8 X 2-5/16”, y 25.5 litros.

Según cuenta el propio Slater la Cymatic es un híbrido de los modelos Sci-Fi y Omni, una Quad con cola de murciélago para un agarre en el labio de la ola, que compensa la velocidad creada por el cóncavo de la tabla. Menos nose que la Omni y un poco más de rocker que la Sci-Fi, una mezcla que va para olas de hasta dos metros.

No se cómo irá al surfista del montón, pero a Kelly le va como un guante.

slater tabla nueva 01

slater tabla nueva 03

slater tabla nueva

#Cymatic(s) is the study of wave phenomena, esp sound, and their visual representations. YouTube it to see the shapes that sounds of differing frequencies will create in sand on a metal plate (if you find the @slaterdesigns logo let me know the Hz frequency). @tomo_surfboards and I had this idea to make a board that fits the ‘vibration’ of a wave in our minds. The minimal amount of board to do the maximum amount of surfing. We chopped the nose off ahead of the rail line you need and went with a pretty wide battail (like the SciFi model). With the added bite of the channels the tail still holds while giving plenty of lift. This edit is from one session at Haleiwa in January. I actually took the board there as a joke that day cause it was too big for what I thought it could handle. I got my best rides earlier that session but this @peterkingphoto clip gives you an idea. This is a four fin 5’3” X 18-5/8 X 2-5/16” X 25.5L. I don’t want to ride anything else right now and everyone who rides it wants to take it off my hands. #SoFunYeah? @firewiresurfboards @travlee

Una publicación compartida de Kelly Slater (@kellyslater) el

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