Fallece la leyenda del surfing George Downing

George Downing, surfista legendario, y ecologista falleció este pasado lunes a la edad de 87 años en su casa en Oahu, Hawai.

Nacido y criado en Honolulu, Downing aprendió a surfear con una pesada tabla de madera en los años 40 cuando tenía 9 años y se convertiría en un chico de playa en Waikīkī. En la década de 50 diseñó la primera aleta extraíble para las tablas de surf. También fue uno de los responsables del desarrollo de las tablas "gun", más largas y estrechas haciendo así más fácil remar olas grandes y facilitando su control sobre ellas.

A finales de los 50 él y un grupo reducido de surfistas se atrevieron a surfear olas de 10 metros en Makaha, algo inpensable en aquellos años.

Downing fundó más tarde el Eddie Aikau, prueba de olas grandes que se celebra Waimea, y fue su director durante 30 años. Era por tanto el responsable de decidir si se celebraba o no.

"Lo recordaremos como un buen hombre, un excelente shaper y también como un gran surfista", ha comentado Kelly Slater.

Se le conocía como "El Maestro" y "El Gurú" por su amplio conocimiento del surf como un todo.

I learned of the passing of George Downing yesterday + although knowing it happened peacefully while he was sleeping, it still took my breath away. George was my Dad's true mentor + the big brother he never had. They began their friendship in the water when my Dad was only about 10 years old. He taught him the most beautiful lessons about surfing and more importantly life. When my Dad lost his father at a very young age, George provided light in his darkest hours. So when I was born, my Dad made sure we spent as much time as possible with him. I remember when my Dad would pick me up after school, we would head to the Downing surf shop + stay for hours. Tugging at my Dad's shorts about an hour into our visits asking him if we could go, my Dad would always smile at me + say ok Summer, we will leave. But the truth was we weren't going anywhere because that was only place my Dad wanted to be. I would watch them as they sat there talking about old surf stories, reminiscing about certain breaks, looking at George's latest boards he had shaped or sometimes just sitting there in silence. I never understood why we would spend so much time there, in fact, I always asked my Dad why we had to go there so often. My Dad would always have a big smile on his face and tell me because he is magic. And I believed him. He would go on + on telling me stories of George's greatness, not only as a surfer, business man + friend, but in the way he saw the world. When I called my Dad last night to tell him of his passing, I was so scared to tell him, heartbroken to explain his hero was gone. So when there were a few seconds of silence after telling him the news, I took a deep breath. And then he said, Summer the truth is he's not gone. He's still right here with me + with all of us. I have been thinking about what my Dad said all night + know for a fact he's right. So because I know you are listening, I just want to say thank you George Downing. Thank you for all the love, the laughs and the incredible strength you have given my Dad, my family and countless others. We are so lucky to be witness to your magic. Mahalo Nui Loa. #georgedowning #surflegend #hero #surf #surfer #rip

Una publicación compartida de Summer Strauch (@summerstrauch) el

#surfinglegend #georgedowning #surfingpioneer

Una publicación compartida de RDOsurf (@rdo.surf) el

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