La historia detrás de Open Up Your Heart

MORNING OF THE EARTH...Open Up Your Heart...G.Wayne Thomas

Hace poco me enteré de que la canción "Open Up Your Heart" que aparece en Morning of the Earth fue número uno en Australia durante 18 semanas y solo fue desbancada del primer puesto por el Imagine de John Lennon.

Es curiosa la historia de esta canción. En 1971, David Elfick y Albe Falzon, estaban acabando de editar Morning of the Earth y necesitaban una canción para los créditos finales. 


G. Wayne Thomas ya había compuesto (y cantado) "Morning of the Earth" y "Day Comes", así que se lo propusieron a el. Cuando se lo dijeron, Wayne se sentó y menos de 15 la compuso sin saber que sería el mayor éxito de su carrera. "Open up your Heart" estuvo 18 semanas en el número 1 de las emisoras australianas y fue la primera banda sonora en recibir un disco de oro en Australia.


There's no formula for happiness, that's guaranteed to workit all depends on how you treat your friendsand how much you've been hurtBut it's a start, when you open up your heartand try not to hide, what you feel insi-i-idejust open up your heartThere's no dreamer who's ever dreamed, and seen it all come truetakes a lot of time and breaks a lot of hearts, to see an idea throughand love's just a simple word, it's truth is eas'ly lostand sorry's said so easily, nobody counts the costBut it's a start, when you open up your heartgive your love to others, they become your bro-o-otheryou open up your heart, come on, make a starttry not to hide, what you feel insi-i-idejust open up your heartBut it's a start, you open up your heartgive your love to others, they become your bro-o-otheryou open up your heart, come on, make a starttry not to hide, what you feel insi-i-idejust open up your heartThere's no formula for happiness that's guaranteed to workand no lover's ever been in love, and not been hurtno dreamer's ever dreamed, and seen it all come truein the end you find the things that count, a look to me and youBut it's a start, you open up your heartgive your love to others, they become your bro-o-otheryou open up your heart, come on, make a starttry not to hide, what you feel insi-i-idejust open up your heart, look for another lovetry not to hide, what you feel insi-i-ide (fade)


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