Los 10 Instagram de la semana

instagram semana surf 30
Como (casi) todas las semanas, aquí van los 10 imágenes de Instagram que más me han gustado. Feliz fin de semana.

Una foto publicada por clark little (@clarklittle) el

Una foto publicada por Luke Stedman (@instedwesmile) el

via @bengravyy #My5Lineups 2/5: New Jersey gets a lot of storms that make the ocean a complete mess. 12 ft buoy readings, with not one single spot on the coastline you could actually surf. Luckily, I have a few hidden coves off the radar, and in desperate times, they can be the perfect solution to a chaotic sea. This is a bay wave right in my hometown that almost everyone knows about, but from the road it never looks big enough to surf. You have to make the trek down to the water's edge to really see the size. When we saw the opportunity for an amazing scenic shot with this backhoe on a floating barge, we pulled over and give it a try. We caught about 30 minutes of fun barrels before the tide dropped and the swell disappeared. - @bengravyy #My5Lineups #TheInertiaTakeover Credit: @mattcrownephoto | @super_brand @imperialmotion | @nubtv
Una foto publicada por The Inertia (@theinertia) el

Una foto publicada por clark little (@clarklittle) el

Un vídeo publicado por Jamie O'Brien (@whoisjob) el

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