Medina sigue avanzando hacia el título mundial

19 Quiksilver Pro France 2014 Gabriel Medina BRA Foto Damien Poullenot Aquashot
Gabriel Medina sigue dando señales de fortaleza y cada vez tiene más cerca el título mundial después de vencer sus respectivas mangas de tercera y cuarta ronda del Quiksilver Pro France en aguas de Le Gardian, una ola buena pero muy caprichosa con las mareas.

Las eliminatorias que faltaban de la tercera ronda no trajeron algunas sorpresas. Medina y Slater eliminaron a Flores y Logie en condiciones bastante tristes. De hecho, después de esas dos mangas tan importantes pararon la prueba durante horas. Adriano de Souza, Owen Wright, y Joel Parkinson, cayeron a manos de los brasileños, a los que las condiciones de Le Gardian les iban como anillo al dedo.

Según subía el mar y cambiaba la marea las cosas se fueron complicando cada vez más y el no ser arrastrado por las corrientes y coger una ola se convirtió en algo complicado. En estas condiciones volvió a haber sorpresas. Kolohe Andino superaba a Fanning y Wilkinson y Pupo se hacía con la manga de Slater y Toledo.

Todos estos ha resultados han hecho que tengamos dos eliminatorias al rojo vivo. Una de que enfrente a Fanning y Florence, y la otra la de Slater y Burrow. Los cuatro se desenvuelven perfectamente en olas grandes y, de celebrarse hoy, podríamos ver un gran espectáculo.

Emparejamientos de cuartos de final del Quiksilver Pro France 2014
Manga 1: Kolohe Andino (USA), TBD ()
Manga 2: Gabriel Medina (BRA), TBD ()
Manga 3: Miguel Pupo (BRA), TBD ()
Manga 4: Jordy Smith (ZAF), TBD ()

Emparejamientos de la quinta ronda del Quiksilver Pro France 2014
Manga 1: Mick Fanning (AUS), John John Florence (HAW)
Manga 2: Josh Kerr (AUS), Matt Wilkinson (AUS)
Manga 3: Filipe Toledo (BRA), Jadson Andre (BRA)
Manga 4: Taj Burrow (AUS), Kelly Slater (USA)

Resultados de la cuarta ronda del Quiksilver Pro France 2014
Manga 1: Kolohe Andino (USA) 16.50, Mick Fanning (AUS) 13.24, Matt Wilkinson (AUS) 10.16
Manga 2: Gabriel Medina (BRA) 16.17, Josh Kerr (AUS) 9.93, John John Florence (HAW) 5.87
Manga 3: Miguel Pupo (BRA) 12.83, Filipe Toledo (BRA) 12.00, Kelly Slater (USA) 6.60
Manga 4: Jordy Smith (ZAF) 15.67, Taj Burrow (AUS) 10.60, Jadson Andre (BRA) 5.17

Resultados de la tercera ronda del Quiksilver Pro France 2014
Manga 1: Mick Fanning (AUS) 17.27, Dion Atkinson (AUS) 16.53
Manga 2: Kolohe Andino (USA) 15.67, Freddy Patacchia Jr. (HAW) 12.23
Manga 3: Matt Wilkinson (AUS) 10.00, Michel Bourez (PYF) 5.60
Manga 4: John John Florence (HAW) 15.17, Sebastian Zietz (HAW) 11.17
Manga 5: Josh Kerr (AUS) 10.90, Adrian Buchan (AUS) 10.77
Manga 6: Gabriel Medina (BRA) 9.40, Jeremy Flores (FRA) 7.50
Manga 7: Kelly Slater (USA) 13.27, Travis Logie (ZAF) 12.93
Manga 8: Miguel Pupo (BRA) 15.23, Owen Wright (AUS) 14.33
Manga 9: Filipe Toledo (BRA) 16.10, Adriano De Souza (BRA) 13.50
Manga 10: Taj Burrow (AUS) 15.14, Kai Otton (AUS) 11.26
Manga 11: Jordy Smith (ZAF) 17.03, Julian Wilson (AUS) 10.03
Manga 12: Jadson Andre (BRA) 14.70, Joel Parkinson (AUS) 12.86

Gabriel Medina (BRA), current ASP World No. 1, continued his juggernaut performance of 2014 today, narrowly escaping a Round 3 bout against local Jeremy Flores (FRA) before reasserting his dominance in Round 4 this afternoon.

“With the swell increasing this afternoon, there is a lot of water moving and it’s easy to get lost out there,” Medina said. “Lucky I found some opportunity and was able to have a better heat than the one I had this morning. Hopefully we get some good waves tomorrow.”

Kolohe Andino (USA), current ASP World No. 9, put in a searing performance in his afternoon Round 4 heat, besting Australians Mick Fanning (AUS) and Matt Wilkinson (AUS) to advance directly through to the Quarterfinals.

“Mick (Fanning) is one of my favorite surfers and he’s the reigning world champ so of course I’m stoked to beat him,” Andino said. “Anytime you draw one of those guys, you have to lift your game. I feel like I’m getting more confident in my surfing this season and growing into a more comfortable competitor. Looking forward to a great finish for the event.”

Fanning, reigning three-time ASP World Champion and current World No. 4, will face off against John John Florence (HAW) in Round 5.
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Miguel Pupo

Miguel Pupo (BRA), current ASP World No. 16, is recovering from a mid-season slump, collecting a ninth at Trestles and now vaulting himself into the Quarterfinals with a Round 4 win over Kelly Slater (USA) and compatriot Filipe Toledo (BRA) this afternoon.

“Very difficult to get waves out there this afternoon,” Pupo said. “I found myself on a couple, but I just as easily could have ended up with none. Kelly (Slater) didn’t really get anything out there so you know it’s difficult. I had a good start to the year then had some bad events. Happy to be in the Quarters and hope to keep progressing.”
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Kelly Slater

Slater, 11-time ASP World Champion and current World No. 2, takes on Taj Burrow (AUS) in Round 5 of competition.

Jordy Smith (ZAF), winner of the previous event in Southern California and current ASP World No. 11, closed out today’s competition with an inspired Round 4 performance showcasing his speed, power and potential.

“Conditions remained clean but it was hard work out there,” Smith said. “I’m feeling confident in my surfing and comfortable in competition recently. I have some great boards with me and I’m looking to keep the momentum from Trestles going here in Europe.”

When competition resumes, up first will be Mick Fanning (AUS) vs. John John Florence (HAW) in the opening heat of Round 5.

0 Quiksilver Pro France 2014 Jordy Smith ZAF Foto Damien Poullenot Aquashot

1 Quiksilver Pro France 2014 Taj Burrow AUS Foto Damien Poullenot Aquashot

2 Quiksilver Pro France 2014 Jordy Smith ZAF Foto Damien Poullenot Aquashot

3 Quiksilver Pro France 2014 Miguel Pupo BRA Foto Damien Poullenot Aquashot

4 Quiksilver Pro France 2014 Felipe Toledo BRA Foto Damien Poullenot Aquashot

5 Quiksilver Pro France 2014 Kelly Slater USA Foto Damien Poullenot Aquashot

6 Quiksilver Pro France 2014 Kelly Slater USA Foto Damien Poullenot Aquashot

7 Quiksilver Pro France 2014 Felipe Toledo BRA Foto Damien Poullenot Aquashot

8 Quiksilver Pro France 2014 Gabriel Medina BRA Foto Damien Poullenot Aquashot

9 Quiksilver Pro France 2014 Josh Kerr AUS Foto Damien Poullenot Aquashot

11 Quiksilver Pro France 2014 Felipe Toledo BRA Foto Damien Poullenot Aquashot

12 Quiksilver Pro France 2014 Quik Pro France 2014 Foto Damien Poullenot Aquashot

17 Quiksilver Pro France 2014 Kelly Slater USA Foto Damien Poullenot Aquashot

18 Quiksilver Pro France 2014 Miguel Pupo BRA Foto Damien Poullenot Aquashot

20 Quiksilver Pro France 2014 Taj Burrow AUS Foto Damien Poullenot Aquashot

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