Las 100 mayores promesas del surf
Como todos los años, SURFER Magazine, ha sacado la lista de los 100 mejores jóvenes surfistas, pero en esta ocasión lo ha hecho en un vídeo de 38 minutos de duración.
Mick Fanning, Joel Parkinson, y Jordy Smith ya fueron los números uno en esta lista años anteriores, y este año el galardón ha ido ha parar a John John Florence, seguido de Gabriel Medina y Kolohe Andino.
John John Florence
Gabriel Medina
Kolohe Andino
Carissa Moore
Conner Coffin
Evan Geiselman
Nat Young
Jack Freestone
Miguel Pupo
Tyler Wright
Balaram Stack
Andrew Doheny
Coco Ho
Parker Coffin
Jack Robinson
Malia Manuel
and many more...
1. "Blood on the Deck" by Thee Oh Sees (
2. "Cloud Nine" by Blackfeet Braves (
3. "Slave Exchange" by Lil Daggers (
4. "Trippin' Like I Do" by Blackfeet Braves (
5. "DTV" by Natural Child (
6. "The Dream" by Thee Oh Sees (
7. "Run Me Over" by The Babies (
8. "Long Live Dry Feet" by Dry Feet (
9. "Aphrodite" by Phèdre (
10. "Oh" by Fidlar (
11. "Body Cold" by White Fence (
Mick Fanning, Joel Parkinson, y Jordy Smith ya fueron los números uno en esta lista años anteriores, y este año el galardón ha ido ha parar a John John Florence, seguido de Gabriel Medina y Kolohe Andino.
Para bajar la película pinchad con el botón derecho del ratón y selecionar "guardar enlace como”: Alta | Media | Baja
John John Florence
Gabriel Medina
Kolohe Andino
Carissa Moore
Conner Coffin
Evan Geiselman
Nat Young
Jack Freestone
Miguel Pupo
Tyler Wright
Balaram Stack
Andrew Doheny
Coco Ho
Parker Coffin
Jack Robinson
Malia Manuel
and many more...
1. "Blood on the Deck" by Thee Oh Sees (
2. "Cloud Nine" by Blackfeet Braves (
3. "Slave Exchange" by Lil Daggers (
4. "Trippin' Like I Do" by Blackfeet Braves (
5. "DTV" by Natural Child (
6. "The Dream" by Thee Oh Sees (
7. "Run Me Over" by The Babies (
8. "Long Live Dry Feet" by Dry Feet (
9. "Aphrodite" by Phèdre (
10. "Oh" by Fidlar (
11. "Body Cold" by White Fence (
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