Wavegarden Euskadi abrirá sus instalaciones en primavera

Wavegarden, a través de una nota de prensa, ha anunciado que abrirá sus instalaciones en Euskadi a partir de la primavera de este año 2012.

La ola artificial tendrá aproximadamente 1.3 metros de altura rompiendo simultáneamente a la izquierda y derecha con tubos limpios de más de 20 segundos. Esta ola es alrededor de 30 centímetros más alta que el antiguo prototipo aunque está limitada por la longitud de la piscina.

El Wavegarden País Vasco será un lugar de desarrollo de la tecnología generación de olas además de un un centro de alto rendimiento equipado con todo lo necesario para el perfeccionamiento en la práctica del surf. La piscina de olas artificiales también ofrecerá olas para surfistas principiantes.

La frecuencia de la onda será suficiente para que estén rompiendo continuamente olas y todo ello con un consumo medio de energía de tan solo 350kwh.

Wavegarden confirma los compromisos de instalación en el Oriente Medio, Europa y América. En los últimos meses, la maquinaria se ha mejorado mucho, optimizando la fiabilidad y eficiencia con un mínimo mantenimiento.

Podeís leer toda la nota de prensa en inglés aquí:

The first public artificial wave park facility built by Wavegarden will open in the Basque Country, in Spring of 2012. This is the surf park in which the brand has tested the concept and model.

The team of entrepreneurs has accelerated the construction of a public surf pool for all levels of surfing, after the announcement of the British instalment of Wavegarden, scheduled for Spring 2013, in Bristol.

The research and development process behind Wavegarden started sex years ago. The first human-generated wave that breaks in natural surroundings will offer customized waves for any spot in the world. Watch how it works, here.

"The Wavegarden will be both a centre of high performance training for elite surfers, as well as a research site for wave-generating technology, in the same location as the Wavegarden prototype", the company tells.

"This is a place with beautiful natural surroundings only 12 minutes from the sea, and close to some of the best waves of the Bay of Biscay near the French border. The idea is to keep construction sustainable and to a minimum".

The Basque Country Wavegarden surf park will be a place developing the wave-generating technology and ways and a high-performance surf centre equipped with everything necessary for the perfection of the surfing technique. The artificial wave pool will also deliver ideal waves for beginning surfers.

The improved wave will be approximately 1.3m high, breaking simultaneously left and right with clean barreling rides of up to 20 seconds long. This wave height is about 30cm higher than the old prototype, although it is limited by the width of the area on which it is situated.

Furthermore, the Wavegarden consists of two large areas for initiates where the waves break smaller and more gently. The wave frequency will be sufficient to have almost continually breaking waves and all with an average energy consumption of only 350kwh.

Wavegarden confirms commitments for facilities in the Middle East, Europe and America. In the last months, the machinery has been steadily improved, optimizing reliability and efficiency with minimum maintenance requirements throughout the life of a Wavegarden.
Wavegarden invites pro surfers and kids to test the wavepool

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